A passion for food & beverage productions lies at the heart of Hels.

We share an obsession for innovative food concepts and their compatibility for a temporary event setup. We can install any F&B setup on any terrain. The Hels team has built mobile kitchens for Gault&Millau renowned chefs in pop-up locations and general admission bars in the middle of the crowd at a festival, we’ve done it all.

We’re eager to think completely out of the box to take the food and beverage experience on your event to the next level. We love a challenge when it comes to F&B innovations. This can be presentation wise: we can design a totally new food stall that matches your brand or company house-style but it can just as well be logistic wise, where we upgrade the supply chain or serving system.

We setup and dress tables with great ease and get a kick out of perfectly aligned cutlery. Armed with nothing but a tape measure and a lot of enthusiasm we can transform any empty room into a dazzling diner hall, starting with bare tables and finishing with a beautiful flower in a crystal clear vase.
Our competency and dedication in this field have been rewarded with a partnership as the logistic supplier for Gault&Millau for a couple of years now.